Anna is a Marie Skłodowska Curie Research Fellow at the University of Surrey (UK), in tourism and sustainability in planning and destination management, and her area of expertise is the development of sustainable tourism indicators and policy. Currently she is leading an EU funded project about governance of urban tourism by using sustainable tourism indicators to create evidence-informed policy (for more information see: SusTPol).
For the last ten years, she has been teaching subjects related to Tourism Geography and Territorial Planning at the University of Barcelona, and she was awarded with the Environment Award (2015) of the Government of Catalonia in the category of research, innovation, and development for her research in measuring tourism sustainability for planning and destination management.
In recognition of her policy value, she has been also providing support to the Barcelona County Council, as well as the Barcelona City Council, in building and applying Tourism Indicator Systems to sustainable management of destinations. Besides, she was a member of the discussion panel on Tourism at Barcelona City Council, as an expert in sustainable tourism to support the government on its municipal action (2016-2022).