Barbara Sarnari, Vice-president of the Euro-Mediterranean Center for the Sustainable Development – SVI.MED.
She graduated in Math and she works since 2007 for Svimed coordinating the Environmental working group. She worked in several European projects, related mainly to environmental planning, water and waste management, further than tourism sustainable development and circular economy. She works with many European and Mediterranean Countries.
SVIMED, a wonderful working group of 5 women and a president (the Svimed founder), is a no profit Organization located in Ragusa (Sicily), which invests energies and resources in sustaining, through concrete actions, the European policies of cohesion and the effectiveness of the Goteborg Sustainable Development Strategy, through the research, promotion, exploitation and the safeguard of the resources and the environmental and cultural heritage, in a vision of sustainable and harmonic development of territories.
SVI.MED. aims at supporting the processes of sustainable development of the territory, through the active collaboration of the Institutions and the Local and Regional bodies, in order to implement processes of development within the European Mediterranean space. Since many years, SVIMED has created national and international networks, by implementing good practices, producing decisional support tools, transferring know-how and elaborating and sharing strategies and models of development drawing on the 1995 Barcellona Declaration.