Dario Bertocchi is an assistant professor in geography at the University of Udine and adjunct professor of E-tourism at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He is trying to understand how the tourists behave in the destinations thanks to the data analysis, from the ones produced in the social networks to those ones available by the telco companies. In his doctorate thesis entitled “Data analysis for the management of the tourism’s destination” he introduces some data analysis methods for the customization of the tourist offer, for the study of the visitor flows and for the dynamics intra and infra destination. Sensible to the issues of tourism sustainability from the environmental, economic, and social perspective, he studies bottom-up and top-down solutions in order to mitigate the negative effects of tourism. He is collaborator of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice for several European projects in the field of tourism and culture. He lives and works in Venice where he confronts himself on a daily basis with the tourism phenomena.