Giuliano Tallone has a Degree in Natural Science from University of Turin, a Master in Biodiversity Conservation at Sapienza University of Rome and a Ph.D. in Ecology from Tuscia University in Viterbo. He is Contract Professor at Sapienza University of Rome, Environmental Sciences Dept., in Environmental Law, since 2014, and at European University of Rome in Quality and Innovation in Tourism.
He’s Head of Studies, Innovation and Statistics at Regione Lazio – Tourism Agency. At the moment his main activity is as project manager for Regione Lazio in different European territorial cooperation projects where Regione Lazio is partner as BEST MED (Interreg Med Strategic), Coevolve4BG (ENI-CBC Med) and Star Cities (Interreg Europe) and – as Associate Partner – Labelscape (Interreg Med). He’s as well responsible for Regione Lazio of official statistics for tourism management, under the national system of ISTAT, the National Statistical Agency.
He had an extensive experience in protected areas management as Director of Val Grande National Park (1994-2000), Circeo National Park (2008-2013) and Regional Park’s Agency of Regione Lazio (2001-2008). From 2003 to 2011 he was President of LIPU (Italian Bird’s Protection Society), the BirdLife’s partner in Italy.