Sonia Pallai lives in Siena, Tuscany.
She was born on 18 March 1971 in Abbadia San Salvatore (Siena)
The job
She has significant professional experience in tourism in various fields:
- in public administration: she was tourism councillor of the Municipality of Siena from 2013 to 2018;
- in trade associations: she was tourism manager for Confesercenti Siena for 15 years
- as a communicator and trainer;
- she has been tourism manager for ANCI Toscana (the association of municipalities) for 3 years;
- in the hotel sector: with her family she has always managed a hotel on Monte Amiata.
In addition, she has a great ability to involve, stimulate and lead a knowledgeable and informed discussion in the sector.
Among the things she has done over the years, she has drafted and carried out the strategic planning of a tourist destination with the destination marketing project for the City of Siena (Tuscany – Italy) both in terms of tourist communication, deseasonalisation of tourist flows, fruition of lesser-known places in the city, and in the construction of innovative tourist products to improve the attractiveness of the destination and lengthen the average stay.
She has actively participated in several European projects related to the tourism sector.
Her studies
She graduated in Political Science at the University of Siena with a thesis on tourism and specialised at the Ca Foscari University of Venice attending the Master in Tourism Economics and Management.
Curious, great lover of travel, food and wine, marathon runner to catch a dream.